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As parents, we came across Modi Toys in the US and it has been a favourite part of our home. We are a couple who are big fans of Modi Toys and are keen to bring this toy to your homes in Asia. 

Hindu Toys_6 Inch Plushies
Hindu Toys_10 Inch Plushies

Each of the plush toys play mantras respective to the deity. Modi Toys is the first ever maker of mantra-singing plush toys inspired by Hinduism and Indian roots. The message behind Modi Toys is heart warming and goes beyond generations.

We bought Baby Ganesh when our son was just newly born and now, he is 2 years old and chants the mantras flawlessly. We are proud owners of the full collection of Modi Toys and are eager to bring them to you in Singapore and the rest of the Asian countries.

Hindu Toys_6 Inch Plush Toy
Hindu Toys_6 Inch Plush Toy

In this digitised era, it is important to ensure that future generations are closely in touch with their roots and beliefs. Hindu Toys is aimed to be the enabler for you, your children and the future generation. May it be books, plush toys, puzzle, or any others, we are driven to instil fun in the cultural learning experience.

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